What about invest in TuscanyCéline New Investment in Tuscany
RADDA IN CHIANTI (Siena, Italy) - Céline, the French brand leader in the leather goods industry with over 120 stores in the world, doubles its presence in Tuscany and finds his second home in Radda in Chianti, in the province of Siena, with an agreement with Regione...
Viareggio “cradle of shipbuilding”
Today BBC News focuses on Viareggio, the city that makes the most expensive boats in the world. "Its speciality is the superyacht. These giant crewed vessels start at about the length of an average swimming pool - 24-metres. But the biggest can stretch to five or...
Lucca’s paper district: a successful model that attracts investments
As reported by Toscana24 last week, Lucca's paper district held up better than most in Italy under the long-term crisis of 2008-2015, continuing to grow and invest. Now Lucca's paper district, specialised in hygienic tissue paper – sales for 4.4 billion euros in 2016,...
NUVAP, winner of the Edison Pulse prize 2017 Start-ups
Edison Pulse, the contest created by Edison, has awarded 4 energy start-ups among the 296 participants from all over Italy. Among the 4 winners, there is the Tuscan NUVAP, based at the Navacchio Technology Park, who designs and distributes a device for monitoring...
New Conad logistics hub in Central Italy new investment
Montopoli (Pisa) - The first phase of development for the new logistics platform of Conad del Tirreno has been completed last June in Montopoli: the expansion over 1,800 msq of surface area and a height of 28 metres gives shape and substance to a hub which, when in...
Laika Caravans expands its production in Tuscany Expansion
On June 13th, the Region of Tuscany, Laika Caravans (Hymer group) and the municipalities of San Casciano Val di Pesa and Tavernelle Val di Pesa (Florence), have entered into an agreement for the entrepreneurial and occupational development of the Ponterotto motorhome...