Florence – The Italian tour on the attraction of investments starts in Florence, an event organized by the Government to raise awareness in this field and the joint promotion initiatives between the State and the Regions. The first stage will be held Wednesday, July 11 (starting at 14) in Sala Pegaso at Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, home of the Tuscan Government. The next dates are still being defined.

The event will illustrate to selected operators and potential investors the main economic reforms implemented by the Government for growth and businesses, Italy’s policies to attract foreign investment, the Italian economic context in terms of market opportunities and industrial scenario, as well as aspects related to settlement and location procedures.

The initiative is promoted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Minister of Economic Development, the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and ITA, Italian Trade Agency, in collaboration with the Region of Tuscany and Invest in Tuscany, the regional office that supports and encourages foreign investment in Tuscany.

