Three round tables, to deepen the logistics of the Pharma, Fashion and Food sectors.
From 9 am to 5 pm, Institute of the Innocents (Piazza della Santissima Annunziata 12, Florence).

Florence, February 22nd, 2018 — Appointment of great interest for the world of logistics next March 1st in Florence. During the workshop “LogiDay”, organized by LogisLab (laboratory of the University of Florence) in collaboration with CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals) Italy Roundtable, the challenges of distribution logistics in the fashion and apparel, pharmaceutical-electromedical and agri-food-food-virus sectors will be examined in depth: areas of activity, criticality, solutions and technologies, through case studies and the comparison of experiences.

The Round Table on Fashion, which will be moderated by Igino Colella (CSCMP Italy Roundtable Chairman), will be attended by Lorenzo Bollani (Tesisquare), Fabio Del Vecchio (LGI, Kering Group-Gucci), Matteo Fauri (Movimoda), Paolo Guidi (Kuehne+Nagel) and Riccardo Verdoia (LuisaViaRoma).

The Round Table on Pharma will be moderated by Simona Bellocci (Tuscany System Foundation) and will be attended by Domenico Fazio (Esaote), Bino Fulceri (Interporto Toscano), Filippo Giabbani (Tuscany Region), Paolo Guidi (Kuehne+Nagel), Antonello Pallotta (Eli Lilly Italia) and Andrea Paolini (Tuscany Life Sciences Foundation).

The Round Table on Food&Wine, moderated by Marco Bonomi (member of the CSCMP Italy Roundtable), will be attended by Dario Faccin (Tenuta Carobbio), Horst Müller (Kuehne+Nagel), Roger Rossini (Ruffino) and Leonardo Vallone (Allegrini).

The program of the day, explains Rinaldo Rinaldi, Professor of Operations Management at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Florence, also includes two “Key Note Speeches”: Igino Colella will explore the advantages and critical points in the creation of the Sales & Operations Planning process, while Enrico Camerinelli (CSCMP Italy Roundtable Vice President) will explain how to optimize the Supply Chain Finance “.

Built under the patronage of the Region of Tuscany, LogiDay will take place from 9 am to 5 pm, at the Brunelleschi Hall of the Institute of the Innocents, in Piazza della Santissima Trinità.
The participation in LogiDay is reserved for the companies that have ordered it and is free of charge, subject to registration. For information and registration: www.logiday.it
