As reported by Sant’Anna Magazine, Prof. Paolo Dario, Director of Sant’Anna School Biorobotics Institute of Pisa, is the 2017 recipent of the “RAS Pioneer Award” This highly prestigious award recognizes a long record of outstanding work in the field of robotics and automation, bestowed upon individuals whose accomplishments have enhanced the scientific research and technological innovation.

The annual honor has been given during an award luncheon held at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation, ICRA 2017, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology last 1th June in Singapore.

Paolo Dario has been given the “RAS Pioneer Award” in recognition of his achievements for pioneering the emerging area of BioRobotics, the science and engineering of integrating robotics with biology and medicine”.  His research at Sant’Anna School explores the medical robotics, bio-robotics, mechatronics and micro-nano engineering. He has published widely across these themes, and received many honors and prestigious awards.

Speaking about the award Prof. Dario said: “I am proud and grateful to the IEEE Society for this award. It encompasses all our efforts to enhance research and innovation performance in Italy. I owe thanks to Sant’Anna School and the University of Pisa. Gratitude and the utmost respect are owed to the entire University community as they maintained a steadfast belief in my ability. I had the opportunity to inspire students and to create more opportunities for young colleagues to pursue a research career”

